Year 4

Mrs Barrie, Miss Lewis and Mrs Rodden
Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

In Year 4 we continue to build on the strong foundations laid in Year 3 providing a rich and varied curriculum to keep the learning fun and the boys engaged. 

The Year 4 English curriculum aims to foster a love of reading, writing and performing literature.  We take inspiration from a range of authors in book studies  and look at the features that make descriptions effective which the boys can build into their own writing. We look closely at imagery in poetry, and encourage the boys to build on their confidence to perform poetry aloud to the class. Drama is integrated within parts of our English work but we also focus on Drama for a whole term, developing imaginative and creative processes and responses. 

Maths in Year 4, further develops the skills acquired in Year 3, allowing the boys to consolidate their learning and apply it to more complex and challenging problems. We refine their ability across the four rules to enable them to select appropriate strategies for efficiency. We develop understanding of place value in decimals and connecting it with their understanding of equivalent fractions and develop more accuracy with shape, data and measures, enhancing mental calculation skills, speed and accuracy.

In Science, we explore states of matter, electricity, habitats, sound, animals and humans. We use practical investigatory work and other kinaesthetic exercises to promote enquiry based learning.

Other topics studied in Year 4 include India, Wales, The Raj and The Victorians. Through these lessons we encourage the boys to research and extend their knowledge of different locations, reflect on varying lifestyles and understand how events in the past have shaped our lives today. 

PE, Games, Art, French and Music continue throughout Year 4, led by our team of dedicated specialist teachers.

We arrange a number of trips and visiting speakers, taking the learning outside the classroom with a visit to Quarry Bank Mill to enhance our understanding of life in Victorian Britain, in particular looking at the life of a child. We also visit a Hindu Mandir to support our RE work. In the summer term, an exciting 2 night residential trip to North Yorkshire allows the boys to gain experience in outdoor pursuits as well as fostering independence and cementing friendships. 

Year 4 is a truly special year for APS boys!

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