APS Fee Structure

APS Fee Structure

Fee Structure 2024 - 2025 Spring and Summer Terms

Fees are invoiced termly prior to the start of each term, with a statement of account being provided at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Fees may be paid in the following ways:
1. Annually via bank transfer or cheque
2. Termly by direct debit, bank transfer or cheque
3. Monthly by direct debit with payments being spread over 10 months (1st September to 1st June).

Sibling discount
For two siblings at either APS or BPS, there will be a 5% reduction in academic fees (exclusive of taxes) for each child.
Where there are 3 or more siblings at either APS or BPS, then a 10% reduction (exclusive of taxes) will apply to the third (youngest) and subsequent siblings(s).



Accident Insurance Cover
Accident Insurance Cover is provided by the school.

Additional Charges (After School Care, Before School Care, school trips, extra-curricular activities, etc.)
After School Care sessions will be invoiced each half term. All other additional expenditure will be invoiced at the end
of each term. Additional charges should be paid in addition to school fees.

Assistance with fee payments for under 5s

  • We administer the Government Tax-Free Childcare scheme. For more information visit
  • We accept Childcare Vouchers / Tax Fee Childcare towards the payment of fees for boys up to and including the term in which they turn 5.
  • Please note that Tax-free Childcare cannot be used alongside Childcare Vouchers and vice-versa.

The use of Childcare Vouchers / Tax Free Childcare for boys over 5
We accept Childcare Vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare towards the payment for Before School Care and After School Care.

Application charges
Registration fee - £60 (inclusive of taxes) payable to add a boy's name onto the waiting list and covers all administration prior to entry.
Deposit - £500 payable when accepting a place. Refunded at the time a boy leaves the school subject to all Terms and Conditions being met. If a boy leaves without a term's notice being given this will not be refunded.

Wraparound Care charges
Before School Care - £4 per day - 8.00am-8.30am; £2 per day 8.15am-8.30am.
After School Care – £7.75 per day to 4.30pm; £15.50 per day to 6pm/6.15pm and £11.00 per day attending after a club until 6pm/6.15pm, £4.25 per day attending after a club to 4.30pm.

Means-tested bursaries

We offer a small number of means-tested bursaries to provide financial support towards the payment of school fees.