Art and Technology
Pupils from Reception to Year 6 enjoy an hour of Art a week. Lessons are devised to enable the pupils to experience a wide range of media and to express themselves creatively. As well as developing their observational skills, the boys are encouraged to use their imagination and enhance their original thought process. Through the use of a wide variety of media the boys' manipulative and co ordination skills are developed and enhanced. The boys study works from a range of artists leading to colourful and imaginative projects displayed throughout the school.
From Year 4 the boys also experience Design and Technology lessons. These projects are designed to produce a quality practical solution to a set problem, aiding and developing the pupils' thinking skills and the need for planning prior to making. They have the opportunity to use simple hand tools and in Year 6 use electric saws and drills. As well as working independently, their communication skills are developed when discussing solutions to problems along with the practicalities of manufacture using three dimensional materials.
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