Introduction to Early Years
In my opinion the Early Years Department is at the heart of the Pre-Prep School. It is based in it’s own dedicated, purpose built site with our own specially designed outdoor play areas. It is here that we develop the building blocks that shape children's future health, happiness, growth, development and learning achievement; building a foundation for a life-long love of learning.
It is proven that children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life. We appreciate and recognise the need for nurture to develop a sense of trust and security that will turn into confidence as they progress through our school.
In the Early Years Department, we are committed to providing a broad, balanced and appropriately differentiated curriculum within the framework of the EYFS curriculum. Our exceptional Early Years teachers provide the essential building blocks necessary to ensure that we give our boys the creative and academic skills needed to transform their life journey. We also offer a thrilling array of specialist taught subjects: Sport, Music, Drama and Yoga. We foster curiosity, risk-taking, exploration and discovery; skills that will remain with children for life.
We carry out many activities, for example, Mother’s Day and Father's Day Service, stay and play sessions, Christmas performances as well as holding themed weeks on topics such as Healthy Living Week and International Week.
Home School Links are of paramount importance to us and we believe that good communication between home and school is vital for the pupils' learning and emotional well-being. It is a true partnership, where parents feel fully informed and involved in their boys' learning and our ‘open door’ policy encourages openness and transparency, fostering approachability to all staff.
Our online learning journey Evidence Me allows us to share pictures so that you can see what your son has been learning and the new skills he is developing on a regular basis. This can be through written observations, photographs, videos or samples of our boys' work. We also encourage parents to be involved in this process by recording key learning moments that happen at home.
We look forward to being a part of your child’s learning journey and helping him to take those first steps to becoming confident, able and most of all a happy learner.
For a more in depth look into each area of Early Years, please click onto each page.
We are delighted to welcome you and your children to our warm and nurturing school and look forward to you joining our community.
Mrs C Finch
Deputy Head Pastoral and Head of Early Years
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