Welcome to the APS Prep Department
Enter Altrincham Preparatory School Prep Department and you will find a positive, warm and supportive community in which our boys work hard and play hard, thriving in our friendly and caring environment. Every boy has a part to play and every boy is respected.
At the beginning of Year 3 the boys move from Pre-Prep to the purpose built Prep School based on Marlborough Road. This transition happens with ease due to the boys familiarity with the Prep school building and staff.
The APS Prep curriculum is specifically tailored to develop the boys intellectually, physically and emotionally to have the best preparation for not only senior school but the world ahead. Working in partnership with parents, we identify each boy’s strengths, challenging and encouraging them to achieve their fullest potential in all they do. In doing so, we aim to nurture and develop happy, confident, motivated and self-disciplined boys who are resilient, tolerant and sensitive to the needs of others.
We provide the firm foundation boys need in order to achieve success in the 11+ senior school entrance examinations, as well as the skills to succeed in their Senior Schools and beyond APS. By the time your son moves on at the end of Year 6, he will already have grasped the fundamentals of key senior school subjects enabling him to build upon concrete foundations created at APS, and leave us with treasured life-long memories.
We look forward to meeting you.
Mrs Finnie
Deputy Head Teacher and Year 6 Teacher
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