Productions and Events
The boys showcase their talents in Drama and Music through plays, productions and concerts.
These include Harvest Service, Pre- Prep Nativity play, Year 4 mini-drama , Easter Assembly Year 6 musical production, Speech Night, Altrincham Music Festival and Manchester Cathedral
We often invite speakers from our wider community to give talks to enrich our boys’ experience of school, widening their understanding of the world and providing motivational inspiration through the sharing of a speaker's experience. These include members of the emergency services, the armed forces and local religious practitioners, Polar explorers, sports personalities, authors, doctors, dentists, musicians, historians, Olympians, news readers, charities, health advisors, e-safety experts and previous APS pupils.
To raise awareness of important humanitarian, cultural and social issues, both locally and around the world, the boys support a number of Charitable Events throughout the academic year. These have ranged from local charities such as Children’s Adventure Farm Trust, Wood Street Mission, Trafford South Foodbank and St. Mary’s Church to the wider known charitable days such as Jeans for Genes, Red Nose Day and Children in Need.
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