Altrincham Preparatory School
Altrincham Preparatory School, founded in 1936, provides education for boys
between the ages of 3 and 11. It is administered by a limited company with six
director-governors who are the major shareholders. The school aims to provide
pupils with a rigorous grounding in English, mathematics and science, within a
broad-based education in preparation for competitive entry to senior schools. Within
an atmosphere of co-operation and mutual understanding, the school aims to
encourage quiet and considerate behaviour, a sense of self-discipline, good
manners and consideration towards others in a safe, happy environment.
The school is on two sites. Marlborough Road is for pupils from Years 3 to 6 and
consists of purpose-built accommodation within its own playing fields, set in the
residential suburbs of Altrincham. The Nursery is also based there. Highbury, for
Reception, and Years 1 and 2, is about a mile away in the original school building.
At the time of inspection there were 300 pupils on roll. Of these, 65 were in the
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), 82 in Years 1 and 2, and 153 in Years 3 to 6.
Entry to the EYFS is non-selective. Later entrants take school assessments to
ensure that they can benefit from the education on offer. Most pupils remain at the
school until the age of eleven when they take examinations in competitive entry to a
range of local grammar and independent senior schools. The average ability profile
of the pupils is above the national average. The majority of pupils come from
families of white British origin, while others come from a range of different minority
ethnic groups which reflects the local community.
One pupil has a statement of special educational needs. The school has identified
fifteen pupils who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD), two of whom
are within the EYFS. Eight pupils have English as an additional language (EAL),
three within the EYFS.
National Curriculum nomenclature is used throughout this report to refer to year
groups in the school.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010