Altrincham Preparatory School
2.(a) Main findings
Pupils at Altrincham Preparatory School, including those in the EYFS, achieve well
and make excellent progress in their learning because of a wide-ranging curriculum
and programme of activities, both inside and outside the school, and lively and
enthusiastic teaching that is effective and often excellent. There are many examples
of independent learning throughout the school. The pupils’ excellent attitudes to
their studies also contribute to their academic achievement, as do their exemplary
behaviour, and their extremely good relationships with each other and their teachers.
Very strong support is given to those pupils with LDD or EAL, ensuring their needs
are met, an improvement since the last inspection. In addition, a co-ordinator has
been appointed for gifted and talented pupils, and the provision for information and
communication technology (ICT) has increased.
The personal development of pupils is outstanding and supported by the excellent
pastoral care, welfare arrangements, and health and safety procedures. Pupils are
extremely tolerant and respectful of each other’s differences and collaborate very
well with each other when working together. Their care for each other is embedded
in all aspects of school life. The school council encourages them to contribute to
their community in a positive way and pupils thoroughly enjoy their time at the
school. Pupils’ awareness of those less fortunate than themselves manifests itself in
their positive approach to charitable giving.
The aims of the school are fulfilled, fostered by the governing body, which is
committed to the academic and personal progress of each pupil. Governors have
strong oversight of the school. Leadership and management are excellent, with
robust policies and procedures which support pupils well in their personal
development. Teachers are diligent in their planning, although currently they do not
have opportunity to share best practice in teaching. The detailed appraisal system
includes lesson observation and target setting. The school promotes strong links
with parents. In their response to the parent and pupil pre-inspection questionnaire,
both parents and pupils were extremely positive about all aspects of school life,
particularly teaching, pastoral care and the open communication with the school.
2.(b) Action points
(i) Compliance with regulatory requirements
At the time of the initial visit, the school met all the requirements of the Independent
School Standards Regulations 2003, as subsequently amended.
The school’s provision for childcare met the requirements of the Early Years
Foundation Stage and no action was required.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010