Altrincham Preparatory School
3.(a) The quality of the pupils’ achievements and their learning,
attitudes and skills
Pupils are extremely well educated and their success in academic work fulfils the
school’s aims of realising the potential of each boy within an environment in which
they are happy and secure. Pupils develop their knowledge, understanding and
skills effectively, supported by a broad curriculum. From an early age, they reason
well and can think for themselves. Their creativity is particularly strong, as
evidenced in the inspirational art work displayed around the school. Pupils have
excellent literacy and numeracy skills. Their reading is advanced for their age, they
are extremely articulate, and they express themselves with confidence both orally
and in their written work. The standard of writing throughout the school is excellent.
Due attention is given to the transfer of pupils from one section of the school to the
next; staff work particularly closely together to ensure a smooth transition from the
EYFS to Year 1, and from Year 2 to Year 3, so that pupils feel confident and look
forward to the challenge of their new class. ICT skills are considerably improved
since the time of the last inspection, with investment in this subject throughout the
Pupils make exceptional progress in their learning over time in relation to their
ability profile, which is above the national average. Results in national tests at the
age of seven for which national comparative data is available have been excellent
when compared with the results for all maintained primary schools. Different
subjects and curriculum areas reveal no significant difference in relative attainment
between groups of pupils. By the end of the EYFS, all pupils are achieving or
exceeding the Early Learning Goals. Throughout the school, pupils make rapid
progress, and achievement for all abilities is excellent. Pupils co-operate
exceedingly well; they work enthusiastically in pairs and in groups, both in and out of
the classroom. Many examples of this were seen; during percussion group and full
orchestra, pupils showed excellent musicianship and worked together well.
The pupils achieve high standards in a wide range of activities outside the
classroom. In an assembly the percussion group played music from a recent
popular film
with great professionalism. More than two-thirds of the pupils have
been successful in external music, and speech and drama examinations, many
achieving merits or distinctions. The competitive sports programme is extensive,
with numerous matches for boys of almost every age group. Pupils are enthusiastic
and feel proud that they have so many opportunities of representing their school.
Pupils’ achievement is supported by their excellent attitudes to learning, their
exemplary behaviour, and the extremely good relationships they enjoy amongst
themselves and with staff. They are well motivated, they concentrate and persevere
with their work, and they show enthusiasm and enjoyment for their studies.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010