Altrincham Preparatory School
6.(a) The overall effectiveness of the early years provision – how well
the school meets the needs of children in the Early Years
Foundation Stage
This is, overall, a good setting. Children are safeguarded effectively, cared for
exceptionally well, their needs are met and they are integrated effectively into the
wider school community. They make good progress. The capacity to improve is
strong, as illustrated in the recent evaluation of provision. Relationships with parents
are extremely positive. Almost all the recommendations of the last inspection have
been met; however that to improve outdoor learning in Reception has not been fully
6.(b) The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the Early
Years Foundation Stage
Leadership and management are good. Comprehensive policies and risk
assessments are implemented efficiently and ensure children are safeguarded
effectively. Managers’ high aspirations and clear vision are communicated well.
Staff promote equality so that, irrespective of background, ability or need, children
achieve well. Perceptive and detailed self-evaluation identifies priorities for
development and demonstrates the capacity to improve. Suitably qualified staff
make good use of local training opportunities to update skills and expertise. Parents
were overwhelmingly positive when responding to their questionnaire. Excellent
opportunities exist for Reception parents to be involved in children’s learning. The
EYFS co-ordinator has insufficient time allocated to monitor provision regularly
across both sites. Good links exist with local agencies and providers. Throughout
both settings, the effective use made of a range of resources by staff enables them
to provide an interesting variety of tasks and activities for the children.
6.(c) The quality of the provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Provision for learning and development is good overall. Adults apply their
knowledge and experience in comprehensive planning, making good use of
assessment information and resources, especially in Reception. Children’s specific
needs are provided for well. Learning includes a suitable balance between
challenging, purposeful play that is teacher-directed and that which is child-initiated.
Colourful environments reflect children’s work and interests. Outdoor provision is
good for Nursery and satisfactory for Reception, due to the restrictions of shared
space. An excellent range of information informs parents of their children’s learning
and achievement. Some specialist subject plans and reports lack the detail and
content expected of EYFS documentation. Children’s welfare is afforded a high
priority and care is excellent. Key people guide and support children extremely well,
establishing clear routines that assist the understanding of safety and development
of good attitudes to health and personal hygiene.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010