Altrincham Preparatory School
excellent, so that strong support is given to pupils. In-service training and appraisal
are regular features of staff development, and the safeguarding, welfare, health and
safety of the pupils are given high priority, with all staff trained in these areas. Non-
teaching staff contribute significantly to pupils’ personal and academic development
through their support roles within the school community. Recruitment of staff is
carried out with due rigour. The centralised register is accurate and well maintained.
The efficient and friendly office staff and bursar work extremely hard to ensure
efficient communication between the two sites. Financial management by the bursar
is detailed and clear. The needs of the school are thoroughly analysed; priorities are
set, effectively planned for and carried through so that provision for material and
human resources and accommodation is extremely good. The atmosphere in the
school office is warm and welcoming towards visitors, staff, parents and pupils.
Requests and enquiries are treated with courtesy and consideration, which matches
the school’s ethos. The catering staff provide nutritious meals and their friendly
relationships with pupils add to the overall excellent quality of care. The
maintenance and cleaning staff keep the school in a safe and clean condition.
5.(c) The quality of links with parents, carers and guardians
Links between the school and parents are excellent, and strongly support the
academic and personal development of the pupils. Responses to the pre-inspection
questionnaire indicate that parents are very supportive of the school. They are
particularly positive about the teaching, the information that they are given about
their children’s progress, the worthwhile help given to those with learning difficulties
and/or disabilities, the high standards of behaviour and the promotion of worthwhile
attitudes and values. They also believe they can communicate easily with the
school and that policies and procedures are readily available.
5.10 Parents have many opportunities to be involved in the life of the school. They are
regularly invited into school to attend school functions, including events such as
concerts and drama productions. The parents’ association is an active body,
enthusiastically supporting the school by organising events to welcome new parents
and social events, such as the Christmas and summer fairs, fashion shows, spring
ball and discos. They also raise funds for charity and to benefit the school.
5.11 Information to parents is detailed and regular. The school has set up an effective
electronic communication system which ensures rapid conveying of information.
This was particularly appreciated when the school was closed due to snow. Parents
had immediate notification; pupils had work posted on the website. Parents of
current and prospective pupils have all the information they require about the school.
The website is detailed and clear.
5.12 The homework diary allows for useful, often daily, informal contact between the
school and parents. From Years 1 to 6, written reports are sent twice yearly. The
reporting system affords parents full information on how their children are
progressing and gives helpful targets for the future. Parents’ evenings are held each
term, when parents have the opportunity to speak to teachers and discuss any
concerns they may have about their children.
5.13 The school has a clear and appropriate complaints policy and handles concerns with
due care. Parents indicated that minor matters are dealt with by class teachers. In
the parental questionnaire, parents commented on how approachable the staff and
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010