Altrincham Preparatory School
4.(b) The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety
The pastoral care provided, and the attention given to pupils’ welfare, health and
safety are excellent throughout the school, including in the EYFS, and fulfil the aims
of the school in encouraging self-discipline, responsibility and consideration for
others. The caring, friendly environment is a major strength of the school and
means that pupils feel valued. The staff provide outstanding support and guidance
through the roles of form teachers. Pastoral arrangements are highly effective,
fostering pupils’ personal development and academic achievement extremely well.
All staff promote pupils’ self-confidence over a wide range of activities, through
support, praise and encouragement. Pupils say they are well cared for; they feel
appreciated and this gives them the confidence to turn to an adult should they have
a concern.
The quality of relationships between pupils and staff and amongst pupils themselves
is very strong, promoting a very caring and kind atmosphere that is evident
throughout the school. The pupils are exceptionally well mannered and all adults
are excellent role models for them. Staff know the pupils well and this helps provide
a very happy and caring environment in which pupils thrive. Any issues or concerns
about pupils are discussed at weekly staff meetings. The pupils play and work
happily together with a sense of care and of understanding the needs of others.
Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Pupils believe rules are
fair and they treat each other with respect and courtesy. They believe that bullying
is very rare, and most agree that staff deal with any difficulties quickly and
The safeguarding of pupils is excellent; all staff are appropriately trained for their
responsibilities and the robust policy is implemented successfully on appointment.
Measures are taken to reduce the risk of fire and other hazards; regular fire drills are
held and staff receive fire training. Health and safety procedures are effective, with
risk assessments covering all aspects of school life. A health and safety committee
operates, and meets regularly to discuss any issues arising. Electrical testing is
appropriately carried out, and health and safety documentation is thorough.
Accidents are suitably recorded and facilities for those who become ill during the day
are good. An accessibility plan has been written, which is designed to improve the
educational provision for those pupils with disabilities and is in line with the Special
Educational Needs and Disability Act. Pupils understand very well the importance of
choosing a healthy diet and participating in physical exercise. They enjoy the school
meals which are nutritious and give good choice. The admission and attendance
registers have been accurately maintained.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010