Altrincham Preparatory School
3.10 A detailed marking policy is in place, which is adhered to by all staff and fully
understood by all pupils. Assessment is excellent, regular and thorough, and
informs staff of the next steps in learning for pupils. The analysis of standardised
testing scores and assessment data help staff to ensure pupils make progress and
support improvement in teaching standards. A clear system of target setting in
many subjects shows pupils the way forward in their learning. Teachers make
frequent checks in lessons that pupils understand material and are ready to progress
3.11 Teachers know their pupils extremely well; they are committed to supporting and
providing them with generous levels of individual help which, in keeping with the
school’s aims, enable pupils to set high standards in all they undertake. In their
responses to the pre-inspection questionnaire, parents strongly agreed that the
teaching helped their children to make progress, promoted worthwhile attitudes and
values, and achieved high standards of behaviour, so encouraging pupils to achieve
very well overall and fulfil their potential.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010